SW1X AudioDesign
Significa diseño de equipo de audio extremo y de alto rendimiento. Cada producto está diseñado con un solo objetivo en mente: resucitar el alma de la música de una grabación. La fabricación de equipos de audio de última generación solo es posible con los mejores componentes y materiales y la mejor tecnología disponible. Todo lo que fabricamos está diseñado y ensamblado a mano en Essex, Inglaterra.
El único objetivo es diseñar equipos de audio atemporales, que brinden el mayor rendimiento musical posible en la reproducción de audio. Con esto en mente, nuestros diseños tienen como objetivo reproducir una grabación de la forma en que los músicos querían que sonara la música. Reproducir una grabación de una interpretación musical tal como se grabó simplemente no es suficiente. Una grabación en sí misma es solo un punto de partida, no el final de cómo debe reproducirse una grabación. Solo cuando el alma que los músicos ponen en la música resucita, solo entonces existe el potencial para conectarse emocionalmente con la música.
On a special request from our customers, we are proud to offer the DAC I at its full glory with choke filtered and valve rectified power supply. This is a high performance entry level solution to a musical, organic & analogue sounding digital setup- just add an analogue sounding digital transport and re-experience your collection of music.
DAC II is based on 2 x PCM56 DACs- probaly the most refined sounding R2R DACs ever created. It come equipped with more sophisticated power supplies and powerful 6N6P/6N30P/5687/E182CC valve output stage with 6X5GT (or 5Y3) valve rectification.
DAC III builds upon the refinement of the SW1X DAC II and adds additional level of organic & analogue envelope to the sound. The sonic character becomes indistinguishable from analogue playback when combined with analogue sounding digital transport. Available in either STD/SPX or in Balanced versions.
DAC III builds upon the refinement of the SW1X DAC II and adds additional level of organic & analogue envelope to the sound. The sonic character becomes indistinguishable from analogue playback when combined with analogue sounding digital transport. Available in either STD/SPX or in Balanced versions.
DAC IV is a further development in musical scale & refinement of the already magical sounding DAC III powered by Power Output Valves and Directly Heated Diodes (DHD) in the power supply. The DHD Valve power supplies are 2 x choke filtered and quasi dual mono in design.
DAC V is currently our top of the line, super DAC. Similar to the DAC III Balanced & the DAC IV, DAC V is Signal Output Transformer (OPT) de-coupled yet is amplified by Directly Heated Triodes and powered by Directly Heated Valve Rectified Quasi Dual Mono Power Supply.
DAC X is our Statement Level X Digital to Analogue Converter. It is the most musical, organic & natural sounding DAC we have designed to date. The musical performance of the DAC X re-defines what was thought is possible from a digital playback.
The PRE II is a pure class A, Output Transfomerless (OTL) line pre-amplifier with Power Valve Output Stage.
The PRE III is a pure class A, zero negative feedback (global or local) line pre-amplifier with a signal output transformer (OPT) de-coupled valve output stage. Signal OPT of highest quality not only increases transparency (superior to any kind of capacitors) but also lowers the output impedance of the line pre-amplifier further close to 4 Ohms, capable of driving any load of power amplifier input.
The PRE IV is a signal output transformer (OPT) de-coupled 6V6 tube output stage based, zero negative feedback (zero NFB global or local), line pre-amplifier design. It is a further development of the PRE III power line stage pre-amplifier.
Amplificadores integrados
AMP I is essentially a 2 gain stage Power Amplifier coupled with a High Quality Pre-amplifier.
AMP II is a Pure Class A, Single Ended Amplifier. It is essentially a 2 gain stage Power Amplifier coupled with a High Quality Pre-amplifier.
AMP II Trident is a Pure Class A, Parallel Single Ended Amplifier.
AMP III is a 2 gain stage Power Amplifier coupled with a High Quality Pre-amplifier using our in house designed and in house made stepped attenuator volume control.
AMP IV is a Pure Class A Amplifier coupled with a High Quality Pre-amplifier using our in house designed and in house made stepped attenuator volume control.
AMP V is a 3 gain stage Power Amplifier coupled with a High Quality Pre-amplifier using our in house designed and in house made stepped attenuator volume control.
MC step up transformers
Custom Silver and Copper Wound on Mu Metal/ Super Permalloy Core.
Previos de Phono
The LPU II is the full size version of the LPU I. The sound of LPU II is characterised by a lush yet lively and bold presentation that makes vinyl playback stand out above anything else.
The LPU III is a further development of the great sounding LPU II. It is characterised by a more powerful dynamic sound with natural, life like presentation- a combination that we look after in analogue playback.
Etapas de Potencia
MPA III is a Pure Class A, Zero Negative Feedback, Directly Heated Triode, Fully Valve Rectified, Single Ended, 3 Gain Stage, Interstage Transformer coupled, Mono Power Amplifier.
MPA IV is a Pure Class A, Zero Negative Feedback, Directly Heated Triode, Fully Valve Rectified, Single Ended, 3 Gain Stage, Interstage Transformer coupled, Mono Power Amplifier.
Hecules is a Pure Class A, Zero Negative Feedback, Directly Heated Triode, Fully Valve Rectified, Single Ended, 3 Gain Stage, Interstage Transformer coupled, Mono Power Amplifier.
Etapa de potencia estéreo
SPA V is a 3 gain stage Stereo Power Amplifier without input switch and volume control. Therefore it is ideally paired with our PRE III or PRE IV Line Pre-amplifier.
Reproductor de transporte digital y Streamer
VDT I – Valve Digital Transport is a radically different approach to a modern digital source. In order to achieve maximum analogue, musical & organic sound character unheard of digital source, VDT employs minimum quantity of transistors and maximum quantity of valves.
VDT II – Valve Digital Transport is a radically different approach to a modern digital source. In order to achieve maximum analogue, musical & organic sound character unheard of digital source, VDT employs minimum quantity of transistors and maximum quantity of valves.
VDT III – Valve Digital Transport is a radically different approach to a modern digital source. In order to achieve maximum analogue, musical & organic sound character unheard of digital source, VDT employs minimum quantity of transistors and maximum quantity of valves.
VDT IV – Valve Digital Transport is a radically different approach to a modern digital source. Essentially, it follows the same approach of a CD based digital transport just comes without a CD pick up mechanim but with a mini computer that accesses a media storage drive instead.
VDT V is our flagship Digital Source. Its analogue sound character re-defines how a digital source is supposed to sound. It goes one step further and takes the analoge sounding character of the VDT IV to the maximum employing even higher quantity of valves- 3 more in the CPU power supplies and 9 in total to be exact.
CDP is short for Complete DAC Player. Similar to a CD Player, CDP is a SPX version of a SW1X DAC with a VDT Digital Player/Streamer housed in one chassis. This is a harmonically matched solution for those who are looking to miximise the musical and analogue characteristics of SW1X digital source without the hassle of mismatch stemming from multiple chassis products.
CDP is short for Complete DAC Player. Similar to a CD Player, CDP is a SPX version of a SW1X DAC with a VDT Digital Player/Streamer housed in one chassis. This is a harmonically matched solution for those who are looking to miximise the musical and analogue characteristics of SW1X digital source without the hassle of mismatch stemming from multiple chassis products.
Are you looking for musical, articulate and most coherent loudspeakers to match a relatively Low Powered Valve Amplifier? If the answer is yes then you found the solution. The main design goal was to create musically uncompromised, super coherent sounding speakers to match Low Powered, Single ended, Class A, Tube Amplifiers.